Install ubuntu on windows 8 with intel smart response

thank you all for your replies, the problem was that the Ubuntu installer did not recognize any disk while the Intel Smart Response was on.

But it was easy after all, I was being a bit stupid : I just needed to find the Intel Smart Response GUI in Windows 8 and to turn everything off inside.

Then I could install any Linux distribution.

Thanks again.

There is actually a simple answer to this question, if you mean to completely remove Windows 8 and keep only Ubuntu. After installing Ubuntu on the USB through PenDriveLinux, reboot with the USB attached to your computer. Now, restart and keep pressing F2, F12, or delete while it is booting to access the Dell startup menu. There should be an "exit" or "Boot" option. On one of those, if you see anything related to "USB", just select that. The Ubuntu load button should show, and after a while it will show a menu. Click "Install Ubuntu". After going through a few steps, you will see one which says "Installation Type". If you are sure you want to take out Windows and keep Ubuntu, select "Erase disk and install Ubuntu". Continue.