Operator[][] overload

Is it possible to overload [] operator twice? To allow, something like this: function[3][3](like in a two dimensional array).

If it is possible, I would like to see some example code.

You can overload operator[] to return an object on which you can use operator[] again to get a result.

class ArrayOfArrays {
    ArrayOfArrays() {
        _arrayofarrays = new int*[10];
        for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            _arrayofarrays[i] = new int[10];

    class Proxy {
        Proxy(int* _array) : _array(_array) { }

        int operator[](int index) {
            return _array[index];
        int* _array;

    Proxy operator[](int index) {
        return Proxy(_arrayofarrays[index]);

    int** _arrayofarrays;

Then you can use it like:

ArrayOfArrays aoa;

This is just a simple example, you'd want to add a bunch of bounds checking and stuff, but you get the idea.

For a two dimensional array, specifically, you might get away with a single operator[] overload that returns a pointer to the first element of each row.

Then you can use the built-in indexing operator to access each element within the row.

An expression x[y][z] requires that x[y] evaluates to an object d that supports d[z].

This means that x[y] should be an object with an operator[] that evaluates to a "proxy object" that also supports an operator[].

This is the only way to chain them.

Alternatively, overload operator() to take multiple arguments, such that you might invoke myObject(x,y).