MySQL: Many tables or many databases?

There should be no significant performance difference between multiple tables in a single database versus multiple tables in separate databases.

In MySQL, databases (standard SQL uses the term "schema" for this) serve chiefly as a namespace for tables. A database has only a few attributes, e.g. the default character set and collation. And that usage of GRANT makes it convenient to control access privileges per database, but that has nothing to do with performance.

You can access tables in any database from a single connection (provided they are managed by the same instance of MySQL Server). You just have to qualify the table name:

SELECT * FROM database17.accounts_table;

This is purely a syntactical difference. It should have no effect on performance.

Regarding storage, you can't organize tables into a file-per-database as @Chris speculates. With the MyISAM storage engine, you always have a file per table. With the InnoDB storage engine, you either have a single set of storage files that amalgamate all tables, or else you have a file per table (this is configured for the whole MySQL server, not per database). In either case, there's no performance advantage or disadvantage to creating the tables in a single database versus many databases.

There aren't many MySQL configuration parameters that work per database. Most parameters that affect server performance are server-wide in scope.

Regarding backups, you can specify a subset of tables as arguments to the mysqldump command. It may be more convenient to back up logical sets of tables per database, without having to name all the tables on the command-line. But it should make no difference to performance, only convenience for you as you enter the backup command.

Why not create a single table to keep track of your pools (with a PoolID and PoolName as you columns, and whatever else you want to track) and then on your 15-25 tables you would add a column on all of them which would be a foreign key back to you pool table so you know which pool that particular record belongs to.

If you don't want to mix the data like that, I would suggest making multiple databases. Creating multiple tables all for the same functionality makes my spider sense tingle.

If you don't want one set of tables with poolID poolname as TheTXI suggested, use separate databases rather than multiple tables that all do the same thing.

That way, you restrict the variation between the accessing of different pools to the initial "use database" statement, you won't have to recode your SELECTs each time, or have dynamic sql.

The other advantages of this approach are:

  • Easy backup/restore
  • Easy start/stop of a database instance.

Disadvantages are:

  • a little bit more admin work, but not much.

I don't know what your application is, but really really think carefully before creating all of the tables in one database. That way madness lies.

Edit: If performance is the only thing that concerns you, you need to measure it. Take a representative set of queries and measure their performance.

Edit 2: The difference in performance for a single query between the many tables/many databases model will be neglible. If you have one database, you can tune the hell out of it. If you have many databases, you can tune the hell out of all of them.

My (our? - can't speak for anyone else) point is that, for well tuned database(s), there will be practically no difference in performance between the three options (poolid in table, multiple tables, multiple databases), so you can pick the option which is easiest for you, in the short AND long term.

For me, the best option is still one database with poolId, as TheTXI suggested, then multiple databases, depending upon your (mostly administration) needs. If you need to know exactly what the difference in performance is between two options, we can't give you that answer. You need to set it up and test it.

With multiple databases, it becomes easy to throw hardware at it to improve performance.

In the situation you describe, experience has led me to believe that you'll find the separate databases to be faster when you have a large number of pools.

There's a really important general principle to observe here, though: Don't think about how fast it'll be, profile it.