Java FileReader encoding issue

Yes, you need to specify the encoding of the file you want to read.

Yes, this means that you have to know the encoding of the file you want to read.

No, there is no general way to guess the encoding of any given "plain text" file.

The one-arguments constructors of FileReader always use the platform default encoding which is generally a bad idea.

Since Java 11 FileReader has also gained constructors that accept an encoding: new FileReader(file, charset) and new FileReader(fileName, charset).

In earlier versions of java, you need to use new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(pathToFile), <encoding>).

FileReader uses Java's platform default encoding, which depends on the system settings of the computer it's running on and is generally the most popular encoding among users in that locale.

If this "best guess" is not correct then you have to specify the encoding explicitly. Unfortunately, FileReader does not allow this (major oversight in the API). Instead, you have to use new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filePath), encoding) and ideally get the encoding from metadata about the file.