A timer that automatically locks the screen to take a break away from the computer?
I'm looking for a graphical or command line program that provides me with the following workflow:
- Start a 25min session
- After 25min screen is automatically locked for 5min (or maybe just turned black?)
- Now I'm helped to take a break because I cannot do anything in front of the computer other than looking at a black or locked screen :)
- After 5min, the screen automatically returns and I can continue work
Is there a program that does exactly this?
Solution 1:
TakeaBreak is now on launchpad
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vlijm/takeabreak
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install takeabreak
Recently (also) pushed for 18.04 / 18.10 / 19.04
Disclaimer: I am the author
Feel free to file bugs etc. here, or comment here. Thanks to orschiro for the nice question, and Rinzwind for the encouragement!
remaining break- seconds (using countdown- option)
An integrated & modernized version for Ubuntu Budgie is now available:
This applet will most likely be available by default in Ubuntu Budgie 19.04, but can now be achieved here as an experimental one.
Solution 2:
You may also want to consider Workrave. I found it easy to use and highly customizable. It also has some preatty nice stats about how you use the computer and how many breaks you take. Lastly, I believe it can also sync itself between many computers, which is useful if, for example, you work both on the laptop and on a school computer.
EDIT: It has many other features that I haven't mentioned, like suggesting some exercises for you to do while the screen is blocked. And it can take into account only the time you're using the computer, so it won't prompt you with a break when you come back from the toilet :)
Make sure you check out the "Reading" mode!
The above feature of only counting the time you've been actively using the computer can be seen as a bug if you're not doing much (no mouse, no keyboard events) because it will only prompt your break when you cumulate 1h of usage (or how much time you've set up). In these situations, enabling the "Reading" mode will make it prompt at the exact time, regardless of usage.
Solution 3:
Crude, minimalist, command-line way:
sleep 1500; gnome-screensaver-command -l; sleep 300; killall gnome-screensaver
That can also be turned into a desktop shortcut or turned into function in .bashrc
Why 1500 and 300? because that's seconds, 1500 seconds /60 seconds per minute = 25 minutes.
Below is a script for a timer that allows setting variable session and break time, as well as methods of signalling the break.
Remember that any script on linux must be saved as a file and have executable permissions set with chmod +x /path/to/script.sh
. Once that is done, you can bind the script to a shortcut as show in How do I bind .sh files to keyboard combination? or create a desktop shortcut as shown in How can I create launchers on my desktop?
When you launch the script you should see a menu like this:
# Author: Serg Kolo
# Date : Nov 17th, 2015
# Purpose: pomodoro timer script,
# with bunch of options
# Written for: https://askubuntu.com/q/696620/295286
# screenSaver function
# this one uses gnome-screensaver-command for locking
# and killall for unlocking the screen;
# $1 is provided from chooseBreakMethod function
function screenSaver
gnome-screensaver-command -l; sleep $1 ; killall gnome-screensaver
# dialogBreak function
# this serves as "screensaver". The screen is never
# actually locked but rather we open terminal window
# with a simple command line dialog
# in full sccrean mode
# $1 provided in chooseBreakMethod function
function dialogBreak
gnome-terminal --full-screen -e "bash -c 'sleep $1 | dialog --progressbox \"TAKE A BREAK\" 100 100 ' "
# dimScreen function
# dims the screen using xrandr; the --brightness
# can be configured
# for full or partial dimming using decimal values
# from 1 to 0
# $1 is provided from chooseBreakMethod function
function dimScreen
xrandr | awk '$2 == "connected" {print $1}' | xargs -I % xrandr --output % --brightness 0.5
notify-send 'Take a Break'
sleep $1
xrandr | awk '$2 == "connected" {print $1}' | xargs -I % xrandr --output % --brightness 1
# getSettings function
# This is where the user enters
# the settings they want
# All the values must be integers
function getSettings
FORM=$(zenity --forms \ --title="Sergiy's Tomato Script" --text="Choose this session options" \
--add-entry="Number of Sessions (how many loops)" \
--add-entry="Session time (minutes)" \
--add-entry="Break time (minutes)" \
--add-entry="Dim,dialog,or screensaver? (1,2,3)" \
--separator=" " )
[ $? -eq 0 ] || exit 1
echo $FORM
# chooseBreakMethod function
# A helper function that calls appropriate
# break method, based on the value we got
# from getSettings function
# Because dialogBreak calls gnome-terminal
# this function exits, so it doesn't wait
# Therefore we need to add additional sleep
# command
function chooseBreakMethod
# $1 is method passed from ${SETS[3]}
# $2 is break time passed from ${SETS[2]}
case $1 in
1) dimScreen $2 ;;
2) dialogBreak $2 ; sleep $2 ;;
3) screenSaver $2 ;;
function minutesToSeconds
echo $(($1*60))
# get user settings and store them into array
# Item 0 : num sessions
# Item 1 : session duration
# Item 2 : break duration
# Item 3 : break method - lockscreen, dialog, or just
# turn off the screen
# SETS == settings
SETS=( $(getSettings) )
# This is where most of the job is done
# we loop according to number of session
# specified in the getSettings function
notify-send 'Session started'
while [ $COUNTER -ne 0 ]; do
sleep $( minutesToSeconds ${SETS[1]} ) # session timer
chooseBreakMethod ${SETS[3]} $( minutesToSeconds ${SETS[2]} )
notify-send "tomatoScript is done"
####### END OF SCRIT ###########
Solution 4:
Here is another tool called Safe Eyes for the same purpose.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:slgobinath/safeeyes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install safeeyes
- Short breaks with eye exercises
- Long breaks to change physical position and to warm up
- Strict break for those who are addicted to computer
- Do not disturb when working with fullscreen applications( Eg: Watching movies)
- Disable the keyboard during break
- Notifications before every break
- Support multiple displays
- Pause automatically if the system is idle
- Optional audible alert at the end of breaks
- Multi-language support
For more details: https://github.com/slgobinath/SafeEyes
Solution 5:
I have used xwrits for many years for this purpose.
sudo apt-get install xwrits
It defaults to a 5 minute break every 55 minutes, but according to the man page these times are customizable via the breaktime
and typetime
commandline options, respectively. You can also control whether it locks the screen using the +lock
option. So to set it for a 5 minute break every 25 minutes locking you out, you should run it like this
xwrits typetime=25 breaktime=5 +lock &