MongoDB Aggregation - How can i apply query expression into match stage using spring-data-mongodb?

The query can be passed on as an expression into Project pipeline stage and the result can then be passed onto Match pipeline stage to evaluate true/false.

Similar to somewhat this answer here: Spring data mongo: Projection not working when path includes a key of a HashMap

You can implement your own AggregationOperation to deal with your varying conditions. Haven't tried my own code, but it should be something like that:

AggregationOperation myMatch (List<Document> conditions) {

    return new AggregationOperation() {

        public String getOperator() {
            return "$match";

        public Document toDocument(AggregationOperationContext context) {
            return new Document("$match",
                    new Document("$expr",
                            new Document("$and", conditions)

and call it that way (to match your question query):

void callMyMatch() {
        new Document("$gt", List.of("$attributes.age", 40)),
        new Document("$eq", List.of("$", "Name2"))