How can I get branch of a networkx graph from pandas dataframe in Python in the form of a new pandas dataframe?

You are already using networkx, why not ask it to get the paths for you:

import networkx as nx

# create a digraph from your edges
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist( df, 'From', 'To', create_using=nx.DiGraph())
root_node = 'Node1'
leaf_nodes = df.To[~(df.To.isin(df.From))]

# get all paths from leaf_nodes back to root_node
paths = []
for node in leaf_nodes:
    paths.append( nx.shortest_path(G, root_node, node) )
result = pd.DataFrame(paths)


       0      1      2       3
0  Node1  Node2  Node4   Node8
1  Node1  Node2  Node5   Node9
2  Node1  Node3  Node6  Node10
3  Node1  Node3  Node7  Node11