How to run paste <(zcat f1.gz) <(zcat f2.gz) using python's subprocess?
My answer is largely inspired by this post allowing multiple inputs to python subprocess where the problem is slightly different.
Basically one solution is to use a fifo : subprocesses write in the fifo while a thread consumes data written by subprocesses.
import subprocess
import os
import threading
# create our fifo for data exchange between processes
# create a reader thread that consumes data from our fifo
def read_from_fifo():
with open('my-fifo', 'rb') as fd:
subprocess.Popen('paste', stdin=fd)
t = threading.Thread(target=read_from_fifo)
# write commands output to our fifo
with open('my-fifo', 'wb') as fifo:
for cmd in [('zcat', 'f1.gz'), ('zcat', 'f2.gz')]:
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
t.join() # wait that our thread has consumed all data