Creating a home page dynamically in NextJs
I'm trying to create all my pages using NextJs with the slugs/uri I get when fetching the data, however when trying to create the home page it says.
Error: The provided path `/` does not match the page: `/[slug]`.
[slug].tsx is located in the page folder. I removed the index.js since I would like to have the home page the same page layout as other pages.
Currently getting the static paths like this:
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const allPages = await getAllPostsWithSlug();
return {
paths:{ node }) => `${node.uri}`) || [],
fallback: true,
The error I got makes sense, but I couldn't really find a solution to create my home page in the same page template.
Solution 1:
As per the documentation, you can use an optional catch-all route.
Name your page file [[...slug]].js
, and then use something like the this for the paths
prop in getStaticPaths
paths: [
{ params: { slug: [] } },
{ params: { slug: ['foo'] } },
{ params: { slug: ['bar'] } },
FWIW - if you want to share components from the main template (i.e. header, nav, footer etc), I recommend using a custom _app.js
page. If your homepage really is identical to your other pages, it might be worth re-visiting the design!
Good luck!