How to move the text with range

Solution 1:

If the solution I developed below is used, it is necessary to develop a transform function to evaluate the new position of the text. The following equation generates the margin value for the new position according to the change amount. For example;

T(x) = x * 4 + 60;

If there isn't an easier method, the transform function should also take the page width as input:

T(x, width)

let output = document.getElementById('result');
let distance = document.getElementById('distance');

function changeValue(value){
  output.innerHTML = `${50 - parseInt(value)}`;
  /* If this method is used, it is necessary to develop a transformation method. */ 
  let result = parseInt(value) * 4 + 60; = `${result}px`;

  margin-left: 100px;

  width: 200px;
<div class="form-group">
    <label for="distance" class="form-label">Aranılan lokasyona uzaklık</label>
    <div id="distance">
        <output id="result">40</output>
        <span> km uzaklık</span>
    <input onchange="changeValue(this.value)" type="range" value="40" min="0" max="50" oninput="this.nextElementSibling.value = this.value" class="form-range" id="distance">
    <div class="total-distance">Total: 50</div>