Stop Nautilus managing my desktop (XFCE Desktop)

I recently replaced Unity on my 11.10 install with XFCE/Xubuntu. So far I have only one problem, which is pretty much identified and solved here:

How to stop nautilus managing desktop in unity

The trouble is, that advice requires a 65meg download. I can't believe it's doing any more than changing a single config entry somewhere. Unfortunately I'm still too noob at Ubuntu to find this myself. All the advice I can see is for earlier versions of XFCE so the setting I'm supposed to change using gconf-editor or settings manager doesn't exist (or must have an entirely different name which has so far thwarted my feeble attempts to locate it).

Does anyone know where this setting is and how it can be changed outside of gnome-tweak-tools. I'd quite like to uninstall it now but am afraid it'll go back to how it was before.

Solution 1:

Try running this command in Terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false

Solution 2:

In at least 11.04 this works:

sudo apt-get install gconf-editor

in gconf-editor (a small program!) unmark: /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop

it says:

Nautilus handles drawing the desktop
If set to true, then Nautilus will draw the icons on the desktop.

found it at [SOLVED] Stop Nautilus from managing the desktop? - Ubuntu Forums