Mp3 player that lets you go back 5 seconds with the left arrow

As always VLC will do that for you. The key combination:

+^ +

from within VLC will skip forward 5 seconds. Left arrow for backwards.

You can also change the key combination, as well as skip, 10 or more seconds depending on the combination you choose from the menu, VLC>Prefernces>Hotkeys: enter image description here

iTunes is highly scriptable.

You could write a one line AppleScript and then assign it to the the key combination of your choice.

-- iTunes Back 5
tell application "iTunes" to set player position to (player position - 5)


To do what you want I would suggest following :

  • Create an automator service
  • Add a run AppleScript action
  • Select service receives no input
  • Copy the following code in the AppleScript action : tell application "iTunes" to set player position to (player position - 5)
  • Save you service
  • Go to the System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard shortcut
  • Add your a shortcut to your newly created service.
  • Enjoy your new shortcut !