How to Compile for OS X in Linux or Windows?

I would like to port my C/C++ apps to OS X.

I don't have a Mac, but I have Linux and Windows. Is there any tool for this?

For Linux, there is a prebuilt GCC cross-compiler (from publicly available Apple's modified GCC sources).

Update for 2015

  1. After so many years, the industry-standard IDE now supports OSX/iOS/Android.

  1. Embarcadero's RadStudio also supports building OSX/iOS/Android apps on Windows.

  2. This answer by Thomas also provides a cross-compilation tool.

For all these options you still need a real mac/i-device to test the application.

I have created a project called OSXCross which aims to target OS X (10.4-10.9) from Linux.

It currently supports clang 3.2 up to 3.8 (trunk) (you can use your dist's clang).
In addition you can build an up-to-date vanilla GCC as well (4.6+).

LTO works as well, for both, clang and GCC.

Currently using cctools-870 with ld64-242.