Why can't I seem to grasp interfaces?

Could someone please demystify interfaces for me or point me to some good examples? I keep seeing interfaces popup here and there, but I haven't ever really been exposed to good explanations of interfaces or when to use them.

I am talking about interfaces in a context of interfaces vs. abstract classes.

Interfaces allow you to program against a "description" instead of a type, which allows you to more-loosely associate elements of your software.

Think of it this way: You want to share data with someone in the cube next to you, so you pull out your flash stick and copy/paste. You walk next door and the guy says "is that USB?" and you say yes - all set. It doesn't matter the size of the flash stick, nor the maker - all that matters is that it's USB.

In the same way, interfaces allow you to generisize your development. Using another analogy - imagine you wanted to create an application that virtually painted cars. You might have a signature like this:

public void Paint(Car car, System.Drawing.Color color)...

This would work until your client said "now I want to paint trucks" so you could do this:

public void Paint (Vehicle vehicle, System.Drawing.Color color)...

this would broaden your app... until your client said "now I want to paint houses!" What you could have done from the very beginning is created an interface:

public interface IPaintable{
   void Paint(System.Drawing.Color color);

...and passed that to your routine:

public void Paint(IPaintable item, System.Drawing.Color color){

Hopefully this makes sense - it's a pretty simplistic explanation but hopefully gets to the heart of it.

Interfaces establish a contract between a class and the code that calls it. They also allow you to have similar classes that implement the same interface but do different actions or events and not have to know which you are actually working with. This might make more sense as an example so let me try one here.

Say you have a couple classes called Dog, Cat, and Mouse. Each of these classes is a Pet and in theory you could inherit them all from another class called Pet but here's the problem. Pets in and of themselves don't do anything. You can't go to the store and buy a pet. You can go and buy a dog or a cat but a pet is an abstract concept and not concrete.

So You know pets can do certain things. They can sleep, or eat, etc. So you define an interface called IPet and it looks something like this (C# syntax)

public interface IPet
    void Eat(object food);
    void Sleep(int duration);

Each of your Dog, Cat, and Mouse classes implement IPet.

public class Dog : IPet

So now each of those classes has to have it's own implementation of Eat and Sleep. Yay you have a contract... Now what's the point.

Next let's say you want to make a new object called PetStore. And this isn't a very good PetStore so they basically just sell you a random pet (yes i know this is a contrived example).

public class PetStore
     public static IPet GetRandomPet()
          //Code to return a random Dog, Cat, or Mouse

IPet myNewRandomPet = PetStore.GetRandomPet();

The problem is you don't know what type of pet it will be. Thanks to the interface though you know whatever it is it will Eat and Sleep.

So this answer may not have been helpful at all but the general idea is that interfaces let you do neat stuff like Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control where you can get an object, have a well defined list of stuff that object can do without ever REALLY knowing what the concrete type of that object is.

The easiest answer is that interfaces define a what your class can do. It's a "contract" that says that your class will be able to do that action.

Public Interface IRollOver
    Sub RollOver()
End Interface

Public Class Dog Implements IRollOver
    Public Sub RollOver() Implements IRollOver.RollOver
        Console.WriteLine("Rolling Over!")
    End Sub
End Class

Public Sub Main()
    Dim d as New Dog()
    Dim ro as IRollOver = TryCast(d, IRollOver)
    If ro isNot Nothing Then
    End If
End Sub

Basically, you are guaranteeing that the Dog class always has the ability to roll over as long as it continues to implement that Interface. Should cats ever gain the ability to RollOver(), they too could implement that interface, and you can treat both Dogs and Cats homogeneously when asking them to RollOver().

When you drive a friend's car, you more or less know how to do that. This is because conventional cars all have a very similar interface: steering wheel, pedals, and so forth. Think of this interface as a contract between car manufacturers and drivers. As a driver (the user/client of the interface in software terms), you don't need to learn the particulars of different cars to be able to drive them: e.g., all you need to know is that turning the steering wheel makes the car turn. As a car manufacturer (the provider of an implementation of the interface in software terms) you have a clear idea what your new car should have and how it should behave so that drivers can use them without much extra training. This contract is what people in software design refer to as decoupling (the user from the provider) -- the client code is in terms of using an interface rather than a particular implementation thereof and hence doesn't need to know the details of the objects implementing the interface.