How to change Gnome Shell calendar default application?

In Gnome shell calendar menu, when I click on "Open Calendar" it tries to open Evolution - even if it's not installed - Is it possible to change the default calendar?

Gnome Shell Calendar

P.S. Gnome shell Calendar does not follow default calendar application

Type the following in a terminal.

For Thunderbird:

gsettings set exec thunderbird

For Chromium

gsettings set exec "chromium-browser ''"

In Gnome 3.8 use gvfs-mime to manipulate calendar mime association:


gvfs-mime --query text/calendar

set your app:

gvfs-mime --set text/calendar google-calendar.desktop

whereas google-calendar.desktop can be created like this:

gnome-desktop-item-edit --create-new ~/.local/share/applications/google-calendar.desktop

Then fill the dialog with the following as a command to open browser with google calendar:


Then restart gnome-shell or logout/login to reload the settings.

open system settings in the upper right and go to system info then default applications and change it there!