Ubuntu 16.04 set up with google online account but no drive folder in nautilus

Solution 1:

This is the solution that worked for me (source):

Install GNOME Control Center (GNOME System Settings) and GNOME Online Accounts:

sudo apt-get install gnome-control-center gnome-online-accounts

Open the GNOME Online Accounts:

gnome-control-center online-accounts

From there add your Google account and make sure "Files" is enabled:

GNOME Online Accounts window

You should now be able to access your Google Drive files from the Files (Nautilus) app which appears alongside other mounted drives and, in my case, is named with my email address.

Solution 2:


Sadly, there is no official Google Drive client yet. I'm assuming you want to access your Google Drive as a local folder.

TLDR: Use a Fuse FS implementation to mount your Google Drive locally.

This site explains it better than I possibly can, but I'll write the minor instructions in case the link goes down.


  • Add the repository to your sources.
  • Update your apt sources.
  • Install google-drive-ocamlfuse

The following commands execute the above three steps respectively:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse


The following commands are to be run in a terminal.

  • Authenticate google-drive-ocamlfuse with your Google account by simply running google-drive-ocamlfuse.
  • Now, in the browser tab that opens, follow the instructions to authenticate.
  • Create a new directory where you want the Google Drive to be mounted. For example, run mkdir ~/gdrive to create a new gdrive directory in your home directory.

The steps till now were just one-time tasks. From now on, you need to type the following command to mount your Drive:

google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/gdrive

Now you can access all your Drive documents inside that folder.

When you're done with everything, type sudo umount ~/gdrive to unmount the Drive.


You might want to automatically mount the Drive when you login. To do this, run 'Startup Applications' and add a new entry to it with the command:

google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/gdrive

Solution 3:

I tried some of James's answers unsuccessfully. A certificate update worked for me:

sudo update-ca-certificates

Solution 4:

Problem you're having is that there is a Unity online account manager installed in 16.04 by default. (Several mentions of this in the comments led me to figure out how to make it work...)

You can add the Gnome online account manager, but if you don't remove the Unity online account manager first you won't get the Gnome online account options even if you install them and run a Gnome desktop...

sudo apt-get remove unity-control-center unity-control-center-signon unity-control-center-faces credentials

Then you can install the Gnome tools and it works when you look in System Settings...

  sudo apt-get install  gnome-control-center gnome-online-accounts

Now go to System Settings => Online Accounts and add a Google account... Then you get the file mount for Google Drive in Nautilus (if you've enabled the check box).

Solution 5:

Sadly there is no Google Drive Linux client at the moment as you may see here. As far as I know what you get when you sync with your google account in ubuntu is the ability to search google docs in the dash but nothing more.

If you want to use google drive with Ubuntu you can use inSync which is a google drive client for linux (and mac os, windows and raspberry pi),for me it works flawless.

I hope my answer have helped you.