Name for smuggled liquor?

Solution 1:


describes anything that is reproduced and distributed informally but illegally (similar to 'black market'). Currently it is almost always applied to music or movie recordings, either recorded live by an unofficial source or copying the medium and redistributing against regulations. In the past, it was primarily associated with liquor production and distribution during the American Prohibition era, but the word originated earlier referring simplify to hiding a flask in the leg of one's boot.

Solution 2:

Hooch is used to refer to illicit liquor.

"Whisky or any strong liquor, esp if illicitly made or acquired" (Chambers)

Similarly, moonshine could refer to either illicitly distilled or smuggled liquor.

"Smuggled or illicit spirit." (OED)

"Spirits illicitly distilled or smuggled (chiefly N American)" (Chambers)

Solution 3:

Isnt the word you want Contraband? That means illegal goods quite often alcohol or duty free products being smuggled?