What is an appropriate word for someone's "humanness"? [closed]

Is there a word that references someone's "humanness"? Something that one would posses, that would characterise them as human. I wouldn't say "human" in terms of morals, but "human" in the most literal sense. I'll give an example:

"He demonstrates extreme physical ability, to the point where I question his __".

What would be the most appropriate way to express this?

I think the word you're looking for is humanity.

The word has more than one definition, but many dictionaries list one that aligns with what you are seeking:

NOAD: the fact or condition of being human
Collins: the quality of being human
M-W: the quality or state of being human
H-M: The condition or quality of being human.

Humanity, then, can refer to being human, or to being humane.

I don't know a single word for this, but I would have written

He demonstrates extreme physical ability, to the point where I question whether he's human.

Humanness exists and means 'the quality, state, or condition of being human'. You might also consider humanhood, 'human nature or character'. (OED definitions.)

I think, 'manliness' would be better expressive than 'humanness'. It characterizes 'He' and more specific.

Obviously, 'Humanity' would not be appropriate, as it signifies the marality.

If it is also wrong what author implies below line would make more sense than a single word.

"He demonstrates extreme physical ability, to the point where I question whether he belongs human race".