App record creation failed due to an invalid attribute. Request failed with error code "ENTITY_ERROR.ATTRIBUTE.INVALID.DUPLICATE", and reason "The provided entity includes an attribute with a value that has already been used The Bundle ID you entered has already been used."

I have an app, which uploaded in the AppStore (React Native app). Recently, I recreated project using new version of React Native. App working correctly, I choose bundle id from my uploaded app, enter image description herebut when I uploading my app to TestFlight it gives error (photo).

Solution 1:

This happened to me today. I had already created/defined the app in App Store Connect.

The problem was that I'd created the app as one user (the Admin of App Store Connect) but I was trying to upload the app as a separate separate "build" user account on App Store Connect; due to my mistake, the "build" user didn't have access to the app that the Admin had created.

(You can see which account Xcode is using under the Xcode --> Preferences menu, in the Accounts section.)

In a browser, I logged into App Store Connect as my "build" user that Xcode was using, and, sure enough, my app didn't show up, even though the app did appear when I logged in as the Admin of App Store Connect.

I fixed the permissions of my "build" user and then uploading to ASC worked normally.

Solution 2:

The problem for me was, that I only tried to create the app from Xcode. Go to AppStoreConnect, Apps, and create the app manually with the bundle ID you set in your Xcode project.

New App in AppStoreConnect

After the new app is in your apps, you can restart the "Distribute App" from Xcode.