How to replace Mac OS X utilities with GNU core utilities?

I found there is some differences between the utility command I used on the mac OSX and linux. I want to make my experience united.

How could I replace all my mac utilities with GNU utilities?

Solution 1:

This adds symlinks for GNU utilities with g prefix to /usr/local/bin/:

brew install coreutils findutils gnu-tar gnu-sed gawk gnutls gnu-indent gnu-getopt grep

See brew search gnu for other packages. If you want to use the commands without a g prefix add for example /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin before other directories on your PATH.

$ brew info coreutils
coreutils: stable 8.21
Depends on: xz
/usr/local/Cellar/coreutils/8.20 (208 files, 9.4M)
/usr/local/Cellar/coreutils/8.21 (210 files, 9.6M) *
==> Caveats
All commands have been installed with the prefix 'g'.

If you really need to use these commands with their normal names, you
can add a "gnubin" directory to your PATH from your bashrc like:


Additionally, you can access their man pages with normal names if you add
the "gnuman" directory to your MANPATH from your bashrc as well:


Solution 2:

Besides brew install coreutils, you may also need to install some other packages, such as gnu-sed, grep:

brew install findutils
brew install gnu-indent
brew install gnu-sed
brew install gnutls
brew install grep
brew install gnu-tar
brew install gawk

Note that the --with-default-names option is removed since January 2019, so each binary has to be added to the path if they are to be used without the g prefix.

Old reference (when --with-default-names was available):

Solution 3:

I'm not sure that I would recommend replacing them; however, you can install them to a different path and utilize them that way. Overall, if you are coming from Linux and would like access to more "generic" *nix utilities, and a system similar to apt, then I would recommend looking into Macports:

It allows, for example, using the latest "generic" GCC, as opposed to/in addition to Apple's included GCC, just as an example.

Solution 4:

I've written a script to do exactly this! The script can be viewed here (or below). However, I can't always guarantee this post will reflect the latest version of the script linked previously.

Upon running the script, Homebrew will be installed (if not already), all the associated GNU utilities will be installed (if not already), and the PATH variable will be built from the installed utilities.


# Install Homebrew (if not already installed)
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL "\

# Install required packages from Homebrew
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install coreutils binutils diffutils ed findutils gawk gnu-indent gnu-sed \
  gnu-tar gnu-which gnutls grep gzip screen watch wdiff wget bash gdb gpatch \
  m4 make nano file-formula git less openssh python rsync svn unzip vim \
  --default-names --with-default-names --with-gettext --override-system-vi \
  --override-system-vim --custom-system-icons

# Empty the .bash_path file that holds GNU paths
> ~/.bash_path

# Build PATH variable script in ~/.bash_path
for i in /usr/local/Cellar/*/*/bin; do
  echo 'export PATH="'$i':$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_path
for i in /usr/local/Cellar/*/*/libexec/gnubin; do
  echo 'export PATH="'$i':$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_path
for i in /usr/local/Cellar/*/*/share/man; do
  echo 'export MANPATH="'$i':$MANPATH"' >> ~/.bash_path
for i in /usr/local/Cellar/*/*/libexec/gnuman; do
  echo 'export MANPATH="'$i':$MANPATH"' >> ~/.bash_path

# Check if .bash_path is being called from .bash_profile
PATCH=`grep "~/.bash_path" ~/.bash_profile`
if [ "$PATCH" == "" ]; then
  # Add Ubuntu-style PS1 to .bash_profile
  cat <<EOF > ~/.bash_profile
export PS1="\[\033[1;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[0m\]:\[\033[1;34m\]\w\[\033[0m\]# "
  # Add .bash_path to .bash_profile
  echo "source ~/.bash_path" >> ~/.bash_profile