"Man" is to "womanizer" as "woman" is to what?

What's the feminine version of womanizer?

Man-eater and vamp are a little bit "slangy" compared to

seductress - a woman who seduces someone, esp. one who entices a man into sexual activity

Per Neil's comment to the question itself, bitch isn't really relevant to the meanings involved here.

Per comments/discussion below, it's probably impossible to come up with a "feminine version of womanizer" that only switches the gender without implying other differences. Language reflects social attitudes, biology, etc., so even a structurally trivial distinction such as seducer/seductress unavoidably entails gender-based preconceptions that OP is probably seeking to avoid.

Man-eater is one term sometimes used.

You could say vamp.

"A woman who attracts men sexually, then seduces and exploits them" (Chambers)