Unobtrusive validation in Chrome won't validate with dd/mm/yyyy

Solution 1:

Four hours later I finally stumbled across the answer. For some reason Chrome seems to have some inbuilt predilection to use US date formats where IE and FireFox are able to be sensible and use the regional settings on the OS.

jQuery.validator.methods["date"] = function (value, element) { return true; } 

Solution 2:

You can use the Globalize.js plugin available here:

Then simply redefine the validate method in your web site's main script file like so (avoid editing the jquery.validate.js library file as you may want to update it in future):

$ = function (value, element) {
    return this.optional(element) || Globalize.parseDate(value, "d/M/y", "en");

Solution 3:

I know I'm a bit late to the party, but here's the solution I used to Chrome validation not accepting UK format dates. A simple plug and play validation, it doesn't rely on any plugins or modifying any files. It will accept any date between 1/1/1900 and 31/31/2999, so US or UK format. Obviously there are invalid dates that will sneak past, but you can tweak the regex to your heart's content. This met my needs as it will be used on a low traffic area of the site, with server-side validation. The area of the site in question is built with MVC. = function(value, element) {
    var dateRegex = /^(0?[1-9]\/|[12]\d\/|3[01]\/){2}(19|20)\d\d$/;
    return this.optional(element) || dateRegex.test(value);