Hibernate one-to-one: getId() without fetching entire object
I want to fetch the id of a one-to-one relationship without loading the entire object. I thought I could do this using lazy loading as follows:
class Foo {
@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
private Bar bar;
Foo f = session.get(Foo.class, fooId); // Hibernate fetches Foo
f.getBar(); // Hibernate fetches full Bar object
f.getBar().getId(); // No further fetch, returns id
I want f.getBar() to not trigger another fetch. I want hibernate to give me a proxy object that allows me to call .getId() without actually fetching the Bar object.
What am I doing wrong?
Solution 1:
Use property access strategy
Instead of
@OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, optional=false)
private Bar bar;
private Bar bar;
@OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, optional=false)
public Bar getBar() {
return this.bar;
Now it works fine!
A proxy is initialized if you call any method that is not the identifier getter method. But it just works when using property access strategy. Keep it in mind.
See: Hibernate 5.2 user guide
Solution 2:
Just to add to the Arthur Ronald F D Garcia'post: you may force property access by @Access(AccessType.PROPERTY)
(or deprecated @AccessType("property")
), see http://256stuff.com/gray/docs/misc/hibernate_lazy_field_access_annotations.shtml
Another solution may be:
public static Integer getIdDirect(Entity entity) {
if (entity instanceof HibernateProxy) {
LazyInitializer lazyInitializer = ((HibernateProxy) entity).getHibernateLazyInitializer();
if (lazyInitializer.isUninitialized()) {
return (Integer) lazyInitializer.getIdentifier();
return entity.getId();
Works for detached entities, too.