How to enable network with a raspberry pi emulated on qemu?

It would be nice to see the output of ifconfig on your virtual machine too.

According to with the options you've specified you should get NAT with a virtual DHCP server, not direct bridging onto your local IP network, so your hard-coded IP addresses probably wouldn't work. Try:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

reboot or use ifdown/ifup to reconfigure eth0 and see if it finds the virtual DHCP server. ifconfig and route -n should tell you if it worked - you'll have a local IP and a gateway route.

Assuming it did work you should be able to ssh from your host to your VM using:

ssh -p 5022 localhost

because that port is setup by the -redir clause in your command-line.