Best practices for large solutions in Visual Studio (2008) [closed]

You might be interested in these two MSBuild articles that I have written.

MSBuild: Best Practices For Creating Reliable Builds, Part 1

MSBuild: Best Practices For Creating Reliable Builds, Part 2

Specificially in Part 2 there is a section Building large source trees that you might want to take a look at.

To briefly answer your questions here though:

  • CopyLocal? For sure turn this off
  • Build to one or many output folders? Build to one output folder
  • Solution folders? This is a matter of taste.

Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi

My Book: Inside the Microsoft Build Engine : Using MSBuild and Team Foundation Build

+1 for sparing use of solution folders to help organise stuff.

+1 for project building to its own folder. We initially tried a common output folder and this can lead to subtle and painful to find out-of-date references.

FWIW, we use project references for solutions, and although nuget is probably a better choice these days, have found svn:externals to work well for both 3rd party and (framework type) in-house assemblies. Just get into the habit of using a specific revision number instead of HEAD when referencing svn:externals (guilty as charged:)

Unload projects you don't use often, and buy a SSD. A SSD doesn't improve compile time, but Visual Studio becomes twice faster to open/close/build.

We have a similar problem as we have 109 separate projects to deal with. To answer the original questions based on our experiences:

1. How do you best handle references between projects

We use the 'add reference' context menu option. If 'project' is selected, then the dependency is added to our single, global solution file by default.

2. Should "copy local" be on or off?

Off in our experience. The extra copying just adds to the build times.

3. Should every project build to its own folder, or should they all build to the same output folder(they are all part of the same application)

All of our output is put in a single folder called 'bin'. The idea being that this folder is the same as when the software is deployed. This helps prevents issues that occur when the developer setup is different from the deployment setup.

4. Are solutions folders a good way of organizing stuff?

No in our experience. One person's folder structure is another's nightmare. Deeply nested folders just increase the time it takes to find anything. We have a completely flat structure but name our project files, assemblies and namespaces the same.

Our way of structuring projects relies on a single solution file. Building this takes a long time, even if the projects themselves have not changed. To help with this, we usually create another 'current working set' solution file. Any projects that we are working on get added in to this. Build times are vastly improved, although one problem we have seen is that Intellisense fails for types defined in projects that are not in the current set.

A partial example of our solution layout:


