Java: Error while loading shared libraries:

I meet this issue in a chroot environment, and fix it by this action

mount --bind /dev /myroot/dev
mount --bind /proc /myroot/proc

Finally found the solution:

rm /usr/bin/java
update-alternatives --config java

Now it works by removing that binary, it was causing problems. Doesn't know if update-alternatives had any effect, but the last warning didn't show.

I encountered this problem when I made a hard-link to the java executable and tried to execute it. I'm presuming it was looking for its libraries using a relative path to the executable binary.

I tried both of these options, and each worked for me:

  • Putting the hard-link in the same directory as the java binary and running it from there (/usr/lib/jvm/openjre-8/bin in my case)
  • Creating and using a symbolic link instead of a hard link (ie. with ln -s $(which java) /usr/bin/${my_binary_name})