Solution 1:

You may parse the key values of an .env file you can use os.getenv(key) where you replace key with the key of the value you want to access

Suppose the contents of the .env files are :


You can parse the content like this :

import os

# And so on...

Which would result in (output / stdout) :


Now, if you are using git version control and you never want yourself to push an environment file accidentally then add this to your .gitignore file and they'll be conveniently ignored.


(Although you should make your life a bit easier by using an existing .gitignore template all of which by default ignore .env files)

Lastly :

  1. you can load .env just like a text file by doing :
with open(".env") as env:

and then proceed to manually parse it using regex

  1. In case for some reason if .env files aren't detected by your python script then use this module python-dotenv

You may make use of the aforementioned library like this :

from dotenv import load_dotenv

load_dotenv()  # take environment variables from .env.

# Code of your application, which uses environment variables (e.g. from `os.environ` or
# `os.getenv`) as if they came from the actual environment.