What is wrong with "Where should this car be parked?"?

Why does Microsoft Word 2010 show an error for the following sentence?

1. Where should this car be parked?

Word 2010 also suggests changing the sentence to

2. Where this car should be parked?

Is the sentence (1) wrong? If yes, why? What about sentence (2)?

Solution 1:

When used as a stand-alone sentence, you're right:

1) Where should this car be parked? <-- correct

2) Where this car should be parked?

Now... if it's part of a larger sentence it's different:

1) Do you know where should this car be parked?

2) Do you know where this car should be parked? <-- correct

I would speculate that either there was some other typo that made MS Word think you were in the second scenario, or it was just a flat-out bug in the grammar checker.

Solution 2:

1. is right; 2. is wrong. The grammar checker probably got confused by the fact that if the question mark were omitted, it would be the other way round.

It may be possible to devise a computerised grammar for English that makes fewer mistakes than a schoolchild (always a good discussion topic in the bar), but Microsoft Word doesn't have one.