Play Google Music from Android app to PC

I like the way that you can turn your PC to youtube tv/player by going to and pair it with an Android phone. Then, android app can play videos in this Chrome tab.

I want to do the same with my music stored in Google Music ( I want to control the playlist from my phone and but I want the PC with speakers to play the actual sound. See the - you can search and select the clip on the phone, but it will play in the PC browser remotely.

Is it possible to do this? Some site or some Chrome extension?

Does your computer have Bluetooth? If so, you can pair it with Android and all sound can go through your PC speakers. You'll need to use your phone to control the player, though.

enter image description hereenter image description here

Upside is you can use any app on your phone and the sound will go through your PC-speakers.

Another option (using WiFi) is something like AirDroid. After installing you can connect via the browser and play your music. It's not exactly the Google Music-app but it will work. If your phone it out of reach (to control the playback) you'll want to use this option.

enter image description here

Okay. Using your Android device you wish to select songs from your Google Play Music collection and then have them played remotely on your PC.

I have a suggestion, though I have not tried this myself. I use a Media Player at home called MusicBee, it holds my entire music collection and I am able to control this media player remotely from an Android app

  • MusicBee:
  • MusicBee Google Play Music Plugin:
  • MusicBee Remote for Android:

Now I'm not sure how the MusicBee Google Play Music plugin will behave with the remote control app, but I'm guessing it will act like an additional playlist. I will try this at home myself later on.

EDIT: I found a few Chrome extensions!


Android App:

Chrome Ext: