How to bind applications to specific network adapter

I am currently using a computer in a corporate environment which is connected to the intranet through the ethernet adapter and to the internet through the wireless adapter.

The problem is this: the ethernet adapter has higher priority in the routing table, so if the wire is connected to the ethernet adapter I cannot neither access the internet nor get emails in Outlook.

I am wondering if it is possible to bind, for instance, Internet Explorer to the ethernet adapter so I can access to the intranet and Chrome and Outlook to the wireless adapter so I can both surfer the internet and get emails when the wire is connected.

I have already tried ForceBindIP but I cannot get it working on Windows 7 64 bits.

Can anyone help me out?

Thanks, Bralok

Solution 1:

I achieved this solution using the following:

  1. comodo firewall(free)
  2. forcebindip (free)

assumptions: 1. LAN is the corporate network own ip and gateway 2. Wireless is the one that you want to use it 3. chrome is the browser for use JUST with wireless network card

install comodo firewall and create 3 rules for chrome application in this way: 1. go to firewall then application rules, then add , select the path of the chrome and then use the option "USE the custom rule set"

**rule 1 ALLOW IP through wireless network card action: allow protocol: IP direction : in or out Description: Just wireless

Source address: - MAC ADDRESS MAc Address :

Destination address : any

IP details : any

**rule 2 ALLOW protocol through wireless network card action: allow protocol: TCO or UDP direction : in or out Description: Enable tragic wireless

Type: - Network Zone Zone: Wireless network Connection

Destination address : any

Source port: any

Destination port : any

**rule 3 Block traffic through LAN network card action: Bloc protocol: TCO or UDP direction : in or out Description: BLOCK trafic LAN

Type: - Network Zone Zone: Local Area Connection

Destination address : any

Source port: any

Destination port : any

we are almost done. open your IE and chrome at the same time, you will notice the navigation is blocked in your chrome.

Now install the forcebindip that small program use 2 file , the executable and the BindIP.dll, the dll goes to windows\system32 (32bit OS) and windows\system32 and windows\syswow64 for 64 bits.

now create 2 separate batch files first one for execute the forcebind and the second execute the first one with elevated permissions

batch 1: (execute the second bath as admin) "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -windowstyle hidden -nologo -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -command "start-process -verb 'runas' -filepath

batch 2: (Launch chrome incognito mode and open automatically a page to check the WAN IP) C:\Windows\System32\ForceBindIP.exe XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --incognito --new-window

XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: replace the X´s with the local ip of your wireless card. , if you are using DHCP on this interface you need to update the bath every time.

enjoy Note: