Create a hyperlink from URL and title in Excel

I'm trying to construct a hyperlink from a URL and a name in different cells.

a1 =
b1 = example
c1 = <a href="">example</a>

What I want that is the URL in A1 to is made into a hyperlink with the name taken from B1:

<a href="">example</a>

I created a formula, but it's not working

<a href=&”=a1”>&”=b1”</a>

should result in

<a href="">example</a>

It is very difficult to understand your question, especially when you don't respond to comments/answers.

That said, here's one interpretation of your question:

You want cell C1 to display the text shown in cell B to be a hyperlink to the URL specified in Cell A.

To achieve this, type this into cell C1


An alternative interpretation is that you want a formula in cell C1 that returns the value

<a href="">example</a>

to achieve this, type this into cell C1

="<a href=""" & A1 & """>" & B1 & "</a>"

The word you want is Concatenate.

=CONCATENATE("<a href=",CHAR(34),A1,CHAR(34),">", B1, "</a>")