Pass a variable to a PHP script running from the command line

Solution 1:

The ?type=daily argument (ending up in the $_GET array) is only valid for web-accessed pages.

You'll need to call it like php myfile.php daily and retrieve that argument from the $argv array (which would be $argv[1], since $argv[0] would be myfile.php).

If the page is used as a webpage as well, there are two options you could consider. Either accessing it with a shell script and Wget, and call that from cron:


Or check in the PHP file whether it's called from the command line or not:

if (defined('STDIN')) {
  $type = $argv[1];
} else {
  $type = $_GET['type'];

(Note: You'll probably need/want to check if $argv actually contains enough variables and such)

Solution 2:

Just pass it as normal parameters and access it in PHP using the $argv array.

php myfile.php daily

and in myfile.php

$type = $argv[1];