How to remove only the parent element and not its child elements in JavaScript?

Let's say:

  pre text
  <div class="remove-just-this">
    <p>child foo</p>
    <p>child bar</p>
    nested text
  post text

to this:

  pre text
  <p>child foo</p>
  <p>child bar</p>
  nested text
  post text

I've been figuring out using Mootools, jQuery and even (raw) JavaScript, but couldn't get the idea how to do this.

Using jQuery you can do this:

var cnt = $(".remove-just-this").contents();

Quick links to the documentation:

  • contents( ) : jQuery
  • replaceWith( content : [String | Element | jQuery] ) : jQuery

The library-independent method is to insert all child nodes of the element to be removed before itself (which implicitly removes them from their old position), before you remove it:

while (nodeToBeRemoved.firstChild)


This will move all child nodes to the correct place in the right order.

You should make sure to do this with the DOM, not innerHTML (and if using the jQuery solution provided by jk, make sure that it moves the DOM nodes rather than using innerHTML internally), in order to preserve things like event handlers.

My answer is a lot like insin's, but will perform better for large structures (appending each node separately can be taxing on redraws where CSS has to be reapplied for each appendChild; with a DocumentFragment, this only occurs once as it is not made visible until after its children are all appended and it is added to the document).

var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
while(element.firstChild) {
element.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, element);

 $('.remove-just-this > *').unwrap()