C++ how to move Text with ncurses.h?

stackoverflow guys. i started stackoverflow bad. sorry for my wrong attitude (that's why I didn't get an answer)

but luckily I managed to get the result I wanted! I can be of help for you! in the documentation it won't say, but through a while () loop I managed to do it!

int main()

int x = -1;

while (x < 22)
    mvprintw(0, x, " C++ colori", 10);
//other my code

before putting refresh (); which is important to update, then mvprintw() which is like a cout << /*from <iostream> library*/ but with mv (mv is move()) ... which is what I wanted !! the first attribute is the Y which are the vertical, and the second attribute is the X that is to move in the same horizontal line. all separated by commas, attention: I put the x as a variable and not as a number because I made it move through the while loop.

after put the string of characters, remember: put a space before if not you have a result like this

❌output: CCCCCCCCCCCCCC++ colori

with a space before, it appears to be invisible, so it works.

☑️output:                                    C++ colori

after I put Sleep(/*milliseconds*/); remember to put the <windows.h> library

10 is the number of characters, I know you could have done better by automating it with char [] =" your string " and make the program count, but it was was a beta.


remember: if you don't put endwin (); at the end of the loop what you saw in the GIF will happen. on all your next normal code. here my first Bug