PostgreSQL + Kubernetes: Role doesn't exist

Solution 1:

You have an error in your Secret. If you base64-decode these values:

  # todoappdb
  db_name: dG9kb2FwcGRiCg==
  # todo_db_user
  username: dG9kb19kYl91c2VyCg==
  # password
  password: cGFzc3dvcmQK

You will find that they all include a terminal \n character:

$ kubectl get secret database-secret -o json > secret.json
$ jq '.data.username|@base64d' secret.json
$ jq '.data.password|@base64d' secret.json
$ jq '.data.db_name|@base64d' secret.json

I suspect this is because you generate the values by running something like:

$ echo password | base64

But of course, the echo command emits a trailing newline (\n).

There are two ways of solving this:

  1. Use stringData instead of data in your Secret so you can just write the unencoded values:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    type: Opaque
      name: database-secret
      db_name: todoappdb
      username: todo_db_user
      password: password
  2. Instruct echo to not emit a trailing newline:

    $ echo -n todo_db_user | base64

    (Or use something like printf which doesn't emit a newline by default).

I would opt for the first option (using stringData) because it's much simpler.