Is there a Node OAuth Server Implementation [closed]

Solution 1:

I've just released OAuthorize, which is a suite of middleware for implementing an OAuth 1.0a server. It is highly modular, letting you tune it to meet your requirements. It integrates seamlessly with Passport for authentication, using passport-http-oauth to protect APIs using access tokens.

Update: OAuth2orize is now available. It follows similar patterns, but implements support for OAuth 2.0.

Solution 2:

Pierre Ruyssen has a few OAuth2 projects. I've never used them nor do I know how far along they are, but you could check them out:


Solution 3:

Searching I found, but it uses OAuth 1.0A protocol and last commit was at April 19, 2011. But then again I guess you should just have look and it might just fit your needs.

Solution 4:

I found another one: It use Connect and ExpressJS.