How to convert the PathBuf to String

As mcarton has already said it is not so simple as not all paths are UTF-8 encoded. But you can use:


In order to have a fine control of it utilize ? to send error to upper level or simply ignore it by calling unwrap():

let my_str = cwd.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap();

A nice thing about into_string() is that the error wrap the original OsString value.

It is not easy on purpose: String are UTF-8 encoded, but PathBuf might not be (eg. on Windows). So the conversion might fail.

There are also to_str and to_string_lossy methods for convenience. The former returns an Option<&str> to indicate possible failure and the later will always succeed but will replace non-UTF-8 characters with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (which is why it returns Cow<str>: if the path is already valid UTF-8, it will return a reference to the inner buffer but if some characters are to be replaced, it will allocate a new String for that; in both case you can then use into_owned if you really need a String).