How to run all tests in a particular package with Maven?

I can find in the Maven docs where it shows how to run:

  1. A single test
  2. All tests in a single test class
  3. All tests in classes matching a particular pattern

But how to run all the tests in a package? Is this possible?

I would prefer solutions that don't require modifying the pom.xml or code.

You could use a pattern as well, for example

 mvn '-Dtest=de.mypackage.*Test' test

runs all tests in classes from package de.mypackage ending on *Test.

[update 2017/12/18]:
Since this became the accepted answer, here's some further information:

  • Maven uses the Maven Surefire plugin to execute tests.
  • The syntax used above (qualified package name) requires Surefire version 2.19.1 or higher! Earlier versions require the use of path expressions, for example

    mvn -Dtest="de/mypackage/*Test" test
  • I'm using quotes (` or ") to prevent the shell from performing pathname expansion, Maven doesn't require any quotes.

  • A single test method can be exuted using the following syntax

    mvn -Dtest=MyUnitTest#testMethod test
  • All tests from subpackages may be includes as well, in order to execute all tests in or beneath package de.mypackage.sub execute:

    mvn -Dtest="de/mypackage/sub/**" test

    or with Surefire 2.19.1 or higher

    mvn -Dtest="de.mypackage.sub.**" test

There are further possibilities like using regular expressions, see the official documentation of running a single test.

AFAIK there are no command line parameter for surefire:test to run tests in a specific package.

I use a configuration variable to achieve the same effect. A fragment of my pom.xml:


Now if I want to run tests in a package named "com.example", I use the following command:

mvn test -DtestGroup=com/example