Vagrant VirtualBox VM is initializing new instead of loading the existing VM after VagrantFile change

I setup a Vagrant Ubuntu 12.04 box (VirtualBox as the provider) on Windows and it's been working great for the past few months. Yesterday, I added another forwarded port to the VagrantFile and did vagrant halt and vagrant up. Once I logged in, none of the programs I had installed were there ( which git showed nothing ).

I can boot the VM manually through the VirtualBox gui and everything is correct, so I know it's there and working. I tried the solution in this related stackoverflow question, but vagrant up still doesn't start the existing vm.

Here's the VirtualBox Log for my Vagrant VM:

Not sure where else to look. Is there a way to force vagrant to load the existing VM?

Edit: Here's my VagrantFile as well. It's pretty standard, but I guess it might help.

Keep in mind that the machine was working fine until I made a change to my VagrantFile. It's the only thing that changed between functioning and non-functioning.

Solution 1:

The link between your working directory (the one with the Vagrantfile) and the VirtualBox VM is a file called id placed in the following subdirectory:


(Usually the <machine_name> for a single VM Vagrantfile is default).

The id file contains the UUID of the VirtualBox VM. You should check out the correct UUID using the following command:

"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" showvminfo <VM_NAME> | findstr /B UUID

Then you should replace the id file with that UUID, and finally run vagrant up.