Doxygen: specify a markdown file as the main page

I know there seems to be a USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE property which should define a markdown file as the main page, but I tried with doxygen 1.8.5, nothing happened. This markdown file has been specified in INPUT, and MARKDOWN_SUPPORT is also set to yes. Does anyone have this experience and know how to make it work? Thanks!

Solution 1:

I've solved this. USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE has to be the FILE NAME of the Markdown file you are gonna use, which means, FULL PATH will FAIL. I suppose this is a bug existing in the current Doxygen version, so I reported it as a bug.

Solution 2:

Maybe the md file needs to be configured in the INPUT and USE_MOFILE_AS_MAINPAGE.

Refer this thread.