Install Ubuntu on D:\ drive partition as Dual-boot with windows 7 on a SSD C:\ drive

Solution 1:

You can choose "something else", then create partitions for Ubuntu on your HDD.

If you do not delete any Windows partitions, then all data will be there.

Standard installation of Ubuntu needs 2 partitions. One for the system / and the other is swap. Swap in most cases is OK to be the RAM size.

You can search other answers regarding the optimal swap size.

Many people recoomend to create a separate /home partition. In this case you create one / partition 15-25 GB and the rest allocate for /home.

My opinion is that there is no need for a separare /home nowadays.

And I am sure that it is not good to create a separate /root or /boot for a desktop system if there is no special reason for that.