Removing Ubuntu from UEFI Bios Menu

Solution 1:

You can do this easily using Visual BCD Editor in Windows 7/8/10.

  • Map EFI System drive to Z: using

    mountvol z: /s

  • Run Visual BCD Editor and select "Store","Backup store".

  • a)Click on browse icon in dialog and using the explorer window select z: drive - now you have full access to EFI System Partition (ESP).

    b)Click on EFI folder to expand - you will see "Boot", "Microsoft" and "ubuntu" folders if you have Windows and Ubuntu installed.

    c) You can delete "ubuntu" directory by selecting it and pressing "Del" key.

  • In Visual BCD Editor click on loader entry "Ubuntu" to select it and then press "Del" key to delete.

After reboot Ubuntu boot option in UEFI boot menu will be completely gone.


You could alternatively use bcdedit.exe to delete EFI boot entry for Ubuntu and use command prompt to delete "ubuntu" folder from EFI System Partition (drive z:) if you feel more comfortable with commands.

Solution 2:

Try this:

  1. Download the USB flash drive or CD-R version of rEFInd.
  2. Prepare a medium with rEFInd, as per the instructions in the files you download.
  3. Boot the rEFInd medium you prepare.
  4. Use rEFInd to launch an EFI shell.
  5. Use the bcfg command in the EFI shell to review your boot options. (bcfg boot dump -v should do the trick.)
  6. Once you've identified your Ubuntu boot option, use the bcfg command to remove it, as in bcfg boot rm 3 if the Ubuntu entry is #3 in the list.

The bcfg command is described in more detail several places on the Internet, such as here. That particular page is mostly concerned with adding an entry, but it does cover some other commands.

Note also that you might not need rEFInd. Some EFIs include a built-in shell that you can launch in some other way, such as from the firmware's own built-in boot manager; or you can prepare a boot medium that launches an EFI shell directly. I recommended rEFInd simply because the rEFInd USB flash drive and CD-R images include a shell and a way to control that shell's launch. (Note that you will not get the shell if you install rEFInd to your hard disk, unless you install a shell separately.)

Solution 3:

If your System's EFI is equipped to do this, then you can actually resolve it without needing any kind of bootable media.

Firstly, some clarification: Your system does not have a BIOS. UEFI is a complete replacement for BIOS. The screen you enter when you hit DEL or ESC or F1 (or whatever your special key is) is called "system setup" or "system configuration" or "firmware configuration". Your system Does have a CSM or Compatibility Support Module more commonly referred to as Legacy Mode.

Lenovo makes some really feature-filled firmware. One of those features is that EFI boot options are stored within the firmware as they are installed. When you or your OEM installed Windows 8, the Windows installer told your UEFI where its boot files are stored and to create an entry pointing to it. When you installed Ubuntu, GRUB did the same thing. It communicated with the UEFI during installation and told it where its boot files were and to add an entry as well.

Now for the irony: Ubuntu, like most other OS's does not have an 'uninstaller'. The usual method of removing an OS is to delete its partition, or format it, or what have you. So when you delete or otherwise remove an OS the UEFI is never notified. It doesn't know that the OS is no longer there. If you boot with F12 or whatever your key is to select your boot device, it still presents you with it's pointer. So when you go and do a system reset ('refresh' works differently) with Windows 8, it literally reinstalls Windows 8 from the recovery partition. During this installation, the Windows installer probes the UEFI and asks it 'what other OS's are installed?' so that it can populate the Windows 8 bootloader with the other OS's. But as you've probably already guessed, your UEFI's list is incorrect.

So here's what you do: If you have this option in your system setup, you can navigate to the boot section and it should list all available boot devices including the EFI boot options. You should be able to select them and remove them. Fixing the Windows 8 boot list then is trivial. You can just do another reset. If you can't remove the boot options, you may have an option under 'Secure Boot' to reinstall security keys. If you select this option, you will need to reinstall windows again, but normally the UEFI will also delete the EFI boot list in the process. Try it and see what works for you.

Solution 4:

The easiest way to remove "Ubuntu option" from boot menu of your laptop is from within Windows. Install EasyUEFI in Windows and you can remove/edit or change the order of all EFI partition entries.