How many numbers are in the Fibonacci sequence below a given threshold?
Solution 1:
As mentioned in the comments, Binet's formula,
where $\phi=\frac12(1+\sqrt 5)$ is the golden ratio, is a closed-form expression for the Fibonacci numbers. See this related question for a few proofs.
As for counting how many Fibonacci numbers are there that are less than or equal to a given number $n$, one can derive an estimate from Binet's formula. The second term in the formula can be ignored for large enough $n$, so
Solving for $n$ here gives
Taking the floor of that gives a reasonable estimate; that is, the expression
can be used to estimate the number of Fibonacci numbers $\le n$. This is inaccurate for small $n$, but does better for large $n$.
It turns out that by adding a fudge term of $\frac12$ to $n$, the false positives of the previous formula disappear. (Well, at least in the range I tested.) Thus,
gives better results.
Solution 2:
Assuming we take $F_0=0$ and $F_1=1$, for all $n\geq 0$, the value of the $F_n$ is the nearest integer to $\frac{\phi^n}{\sqrt{5}}$, where $\phi = \frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$.
So, the number of Fibonnaci numbers less than $N$ is the number of $n\geq 0$ such that:
$$ \frac{\phi^n}{\sqrt{5}} \leq N+\frac{1}{2}$$
Solving this, we see that $n \leq \log_\phi(\sqrt{5}(N+\frac{1}{2}))$. That means that the number of $n$ is: