Haproxy setup with subdomain setup

Hoping someone can help confirm if this suppose to work? I'm trying to route 3 subdomain traffic to the same haproxy host;

Here is my setup

haproxy with one interface ip and dns name haproxy01.mydomain.com

3 CNAME records associated with it; sub1.mydomain.com, sub2.mydomain.com and sub3.mydomain.com

all the incoming traffic is for port 443.

There are two back end application servers that accepts traffic on three ports 8081, 8082, 8083, let say;

sub1.mydomain.com for 8081 sub2.mydomain.com for 8082 and sub3.mydomain.com for 8083

The application requires SSL pass through for only port 8081 traffic so I believe I've to use tcp mode for it the other traffic for 8082 and 8083 is also SSL but it can be terminated at the Haproxy but for the testing I went with all TCP mode.

My config section to achieve this is below;

    #Application Setup 
frontend mytraffic
    bind *:443
    mode  tcp
    acl host_sub1 hdr(host) -i sub1.mydomain.com
    acl host_sub2 hdr(host) -i sub2.mydomain.com
    acl host_sub3 hdr(host) -i sub3.mydomain.com

    use_backend sub1_nodes if host_sub1
    use_backend sub2_nodes if host_sub2
    use_backend sub3_nodes if host_sub3

    option tcplog backend sub1_nodes
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
    stick on src
    server node1 check
    server node2 check 
backend sub2_nodes
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
    stick on src
    server node1 check
    server node2 check 
backend sub3_nodes
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
    stick on src
    server node1 check
    server node2 check


When I try to access the appication servers via HAproxy for example for 8082 traffic it throws this is the logs;

localhost haproxy[6097]: x.x.x.x:51241 [20/Mar/2015:12:19:38.720] mytraffic mytraffic/ -1/-1/0 0 SC 0/0/0/0/0 0/0

appreciate some direction regarding this setup.

P.S. I can't embed any image for clarity here since it's my first post :-(

Solution 1:

With TCP mode, HAProxy won't decode the HTTP request, so your acl lines won't do anything and the frontend will never be able to match a backend, as shown by the logs you entered: mytraffic/<NOSRV> means it wasn't able to pick a backend or server.

You'd have to split the 3 subdomains into 2 different frontends, each with their own IPs since they're all connecting on port 443. One for passthrough, the other for the SSL termination and content switching using mode http. The caveat here being that if you were to add a 4th subdomain (sub4.mydomain.com) that also required passthrough, you'd then need a 3rd frontend and IP.

You'd also need to create different CNAME or A records in DNS so that the right subdomains point to the right IPs.

Given this DNS config:        A         haproxy01-cs.mydomain.com        A         haproxy01-pt1.mydomain.com        A         haproxy01-pt2.mydomain.com
sub1.mydomain.com   CNAME     haproxy01-pt1.mydomain.com
sub2.mydomain.com   CNAME     haproxy01-cs.mydomain.com
sub3.mydomain.com   CNAME     haproxy01-cs.mydomain.com
sub4.mydomain.com   CNAME     haproxy01-pt2.mydomain.com

The HAproxy config would look something like this:

#Application Setup 
frontend ContentSwitching

  mode  http
  option httplog
  acl host_sub2 hdr(host) -i sub2.mydomain.com
  acl host_sub3 hdr(host) -i sub3.mydomain.com
  use_backend sub2_nodes if host_sub2
  use_backend sub3_nodes if host_sub3

frontend PassThrough1
  mode  tcp
  option tcplog
  use_backend sub1_nodes     

frontend PassThrough2
  mode  tcp
  option tcplog
  use_backend sub4_nodes

backend sub1_nodes
  mode tcp
  balance roundrobin
  stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
  stick on src
  server node1 check
  server node2 check 

backend sub2_nodes
  mode http
  balance roundrobin
  stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
  stick on src
  server node1 check
  server node2 check 

backend sub3_nodes
  mode http
  balance roundrobin
  stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
  stick on src
  server node1 check
  server node2 check

backend sub4_nodes
  mode tcp
  balance roundrobin
  stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
  stick on src
  server node1 check
  server node2 check