What are the keys to a successful melee and/or unarmed build in Fallout: New Vegas?

I'm curious to know if anyone has tried melee and/or unarmed builds in Fallout: New Vegas. What are the stats, skills, perks, equipment, and tactics that you used to make this a feasible character build?

First off: Melee and Unarmed were very viable in Fallout 3, so long as you 1) Also pumped sneak, and 2) used a Shishkebab with the Pyromaniac perk as Melee, or grabbed a Deathclaw gauntlet and Paralyzing Palm for Unarmed.

As for NV, both combat skills are even better. The new Damage Threshhold mechanics actually make Melee/Unarmed extremely potent in the early game, as these weapons often have very high base damage values to punch through armor, leading them to rip through lower armored foes. In addition, the introduction of new 'special attacks' in VATS for both skillsets and perks to support both playstyles helps a lot. That said, there's a tradeoff: Expect to take a lot more damage, and use a lot more chems. But once you get into melee range, things will drop - fast.

Yeah it is very Viable to play a melee character in Fallout New Vegas. I just beat down 15 Deathclaws with "Oh Baby" and some reinforced leather armor.

I kept pumping points into melee and explosives, Creating a monster. Groups are easy, you simply toss a grenade in the middle and pull out your beatstick to finish them off. You use a lot of stimpacks and food but it is VERY worth it.