I have 2 Monitors and want to observe on one monitor 1st sheet and on the other monitor 2nd sheet but no matter how many excel files I open they are all on one monitor.

Can I split them to two screens?

I have Excel 2007 and working on 2003 file. Thanks a lot for your time!

Solution 1:

The only way I have been able to accomplish this is to open a brand new instance of Excel (either from the start menu, task bar via right click in Win7/Vista, etc) and open the second file from that new Excel window.

If you continually use the same excel window to File -> Open new files, it will keep the documents all grouped into the same instance and move every file to the same monitor like you're experiencing.

Solution 2:

You can also spread the Main excel file across both screens and then use View > Arrange Windows > Tile Vertically.

Solution 3:

You need to open 2 instances of Excel, move each one to a monitor and then open the files.