How does LINQ expression syntax work with Include() for eager loading

Solution 1:

I figured it out, thanks for the suggestions anyway. The solution is to do this (2nd attempt in my question):

var qry = (from a in Actions
join u in Users on a.UserId equals u.UserId    
select a).Include("User")

The reason intellisense didn't show Include after the query was because I needed the following using:

using System.Data.Entity;

Everything worked fine doing this.

Solution 2:

Better, refactor friendly code (EF6)

using System.Data.Entity;
var x = (from cart in context.ShoppingCarts
         where == 123
         select cart).Include(t => t.CartItems);


var x = from cart in context.ShoppingCarts.Include(nameof(ShoppingCart.CartItems))
        where == 123
        select cart;

Update 3/31/2017

You can also use include in lambda syntax for either method:

var x = from cart in context.ShoppingCarts.Include(p => p.ShoppingCart.CartItems))
        where == 123
        select cart;