How to copy all the attributes of one element and apply them to another?

You can use the native Node#attributes property:

var $select = $("select");
var $div = $("div");

var attributes = $select.prop("attributes");

// loop through <select> attributes and apply them on <div>
$.each(attributes, function() {
    $div.attr(, this.value);


ES6 syntax one liner:

function cloneAttributes(target, source) {
  [...source.attributes].forEach( attr => { target.setAttribute(attr.nodeName ,attr.nodeValue) })

And as noted in the first comment - you would probably don't want to copy the source id attribute... so this one will save it as a 'data-id' attribute in case you need a reference.

function cloneAttributes(target, source) {
  [...source.attributes].forEach( attr => { target.setAttribute(attr.nodeName === "id" ? 'data-id' : attr.nodeName ,attr.nodeValue) })

Pretty Simple

function cloneAttributes(element, sourceNode) {
  let attr;
  let attributes =;
  while(attr = attributes.pop()) {
    element.setAttribute(attr.nodeName, attr.nodeValue);

A working solution on jsfiddle


Updated jsfiddler


    var destination = $('#adiv').eq(0);
    var source = $('#bdiv')[0];

    for (i = 0; i < source.attributes.length; i++)
        var a = source.attributes[i];
        destination.attr(, a.value);


<div id="adiv" class="aclass">A class</div>
<div id="bdiv" class="bclass">B class</div>

That's copying #bdiv attributes to #adiv.