Word for cheap manufactured art

Kitsch might just possibly be the word.

Tat is the word I use, though imprecisely.

My first thought was tchotchke (or tshotshke, tshatshke, tchachke, tchotchka, tchatchka, chachke, tsotchke, chotski, or chochke) depending on where you're from.

A friend of ours has a small store called Chatskies (yet another spelling) where she sells exactly what you're talking about, cheaply made artsy souvenirs and other oddities.

Not sure what we're encapsulating as part of the question but if for example we refer to small wearable art such as bracelets and necklaces and the like, or small knick-knacks, the word trinket comes to mind:

A small ornament or item of jewellery that is of little value.