Nginx rewrite rule to replace querystring question mark with underscore

In order to mirror a whole website as static HTML,

I would like to convert URLs like to

Notice ? in URL is being is being converted to _.

This will allow nginx or apache to serve these files from disk as the raw HTML we obtained and saved from wget -- one file for each URL -- rather than as a PHP file.

Is it possible to do so via Nginx URL rewriting?

Solution 1:

I got this working using try_files:

location / {
    try_files "${uri}_${args}" 404.html;

This will try to find a file on disk named after the pattern you provided with a "_" instead of the "?".

Further configuration depends on how you saved static files like images or stylesheets. You can add a fallback trying to read them without query string form disk like so:

location / {
    try_files "${uri}_${args}" $uri 404.html;

Solution 2:

Something along the lines:

location ~ \.php$ {
  # only rewrite URL's with args
  if ($args != '') {
    rewrite .* "${uri}_${args}?" last;